From the Heart
Getting Stronger
Jenna’s phone buzzed on the nightstand. She reached over and glanced at the incoming text. Missed you at work today. Hope you’re OK. Jenna smiled in spite of her pounding head. Shannon was such a sweetheart. How nice to know she was...
Keeping Ears Open
Jack plugged the address for his next delivery into the GPS and popped a mint into his mouth. What a long day it had been. At least he’d have a nice paycheck, working this extra shift. But delivering groceries was not exactly what he’d hoped for at this stage in his...
Marcy scrolled through the job postings as she sipped her coffee. Emma skipped into the kitchen. “You’re up early, Peanut.” Emma’s face lit with excitement. “I’m going to Olivia’s house today.” “Yes, you are. But not for a few hours.” “That’s OK. I have lots to get...