From the Heart

More than a Cup of Tea

NOTE: This is a continuation of last week's story: Finding Contentment. Sharon thumped her pillow and flopped onto her side. After a few moments, she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. She studied a watermark in the corner. How long had that been there?...

FInding Contentment

             Sharon glanced around the sanctuary and chose a seat next to an older woman. She slid into the row just as the opening hymn started. This was her third Sunday at this new church and it seemed to be going well so far. The pastor’s messages were...


              Tina laced up her walking shoes and pushed open the screen door. She inhaled the sweet aroma of cherry blossoms and approached Brian. He was crouched over the lawnmower, fiddling with it again. It seemed every year it needed work before it was willing to...

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