The Day After Christmas

     Abby flopped on the sofa and let out a breath. Quiet. The relatives were all gone, the dishes were done, and the wrapping paper avalanche was relegated to the recycling bin. Best of all, the kids were down for a nap, Anthony was at work, and for once, the house...

What the Virus Hasn’t Taken Away

As I reflect on 2020 and the Christmas season, it’s easy to look at what’s changed, but I’m encouraged by all that has not. 1. Christmas lights It seems like more folks than ever decorated their houses with lights this year. Every year we grab our...

Welcome Carol James

   One of the best things about being part of Pelican Book Group (PBG) is getting to know other Christian authors. This week, I’m glad to introduce you to Carol James, a fellow author at PBG. She’s been an encouragement to me in my writing. I’ve...

Worlds Apart

Maura drew a thick black X through the date. Another day gone. Forty-five more until Joe’s tour would be over. Each day seemed to drag out longer than the next. Tomorrow’s date was marked with a star, however. Tomorrow, he’d be able to call. She walked to the back...