Good Gifts

             Despite the disappointing morning, Lisa’s heart lifted. The cloudless sky was a brilliant blue, and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead. She guided Pepper to the park bench and filled his collapsible water bowl before taking a swig from her...

Father or Dad?

                Lucas adjusted his cap, the tassel hanging to the side, and approached the stage, hands sweating. Never in a million years could he have imagined the school would want him to speak at graduation. For that matter, he never imagined he’d actually...

Different Gifts

              Sharon moved around the room collecting permission slips from the youth group. When Hannah handed hers in, Ellie turned to her, eyebrows raised. “You’re going to help work on the house?”             Hannah nodded. “I am. I feel like God wants me to be...

Sealed by God

              Mike wiped his brow as he brushed another board with sealant. It had been a tough project, but the end result was worth it. Straightening, he gazed across the deck. Once it was sealed, it would be complete. The best part had been the time spent...