When God’s Plan Doesn’t Make Sense

Rachel hung up the phone, stunned. Never in a million years did she think they wouldn’t renew her contract. What was she going to do now? Sure, she knew it was a temporary job. And yes, she was living in an extended-stay hotel, so this clearly wasn’t permanent, but...

The Happy Wall

Mindy took a seat in front of the matronly woman’s desk and wiped her palms on her scrubs. “Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, Rita.” “I’m pleased to welcome you to County Children’s Hospital,” Rita said. “Are you excited for your first day as a...

Life from Strife

            Tanya pushed her cart through the produce section and picked out a package of strawberries. A familiar voice sounded from behind.             “Hi friend,” Leslie said. “How are you holding up?”             Tanya turned and embraced Leslie. “It’s good to...

Easter Animals

            Marianne, Rick, and the kids slid into the back row as the opening hymn drew to a close. Marianne’s face burned hot, hoping no one noticed how late they were. The kids had insisted on finding their Easter baskets before church, and Tommy took forever to...