Silver and Gold

Donna stood before the mirror and frowned. Her once lustrous brown hair was streaked with gray, and wrinkles appeared at the corners of her eyes. It seemed only yesterday she was a young mother. But more and more these days, she was looking her age. She applied...

The Empty Nest

               Angie slumped in her seat at the kitchen table, staring at the wall. It was quiet. Too quiet.            “You OK?”            Angie glanced up to find Tim studying her.            “Yeah. Just having a cup of coffee.”             Tim raised his eyebrows....

Jodie Wolfe – Convincing Lou

One of Pelican Book Group’s talented authors, Jodie Wolfe, is back to join us on the blog. I’m happy to share her latest release with you. If you’re a fan of historical fiction, you’ll want to check her out. I’ve never tackled historical...

Pleasing God Not Man

                Samantha hung up the phone and buried her head in her hands. That was the third phone call this afternoon. How could she have upset so many people from teaching one simple Sunday School class?             David approached and rubbed her shoulders....

Mightily Blessed Part 2

              Danielle opened the fridge and grabbed the first container of leftovers she could find. Breakfast had been nearly twelve hours ago, and she was famished. After heating the container in the microwave, she grabbed a fork and downed the contents of the...