Rebecca perched on the edge of the chair in the busy office. She glanced at the clock. Yes, she was early for her interview with the principal, but Linda, his secretary, allowed her to wait in the office, giving her a chance to get a feel for the place. Pressing her hand against her chest, she willed her heartbeat to slow. She’d been praying for a teaching job for months, and the opening for a second-grade teacher in a district close to her home seemed like a dream come true. She couldn’t afford to mess up this interview. It was up to God, though. Was this where He wanted her?

Two boys shuffled into the office, escorted by a teacher. The teacher stopped at Linda’s desk. “Gabe and Dylan were fighting on the playground. They need to see Mr. Jackson.”

Linda nodded. “Of course, Mrs. Lyman. He’ll be with them in a moment.” She turned to the boys. “Have a seat over there.”

Mrs. Lyman thanked Linda and exited the office. Gabe and Dylan took chairs across from Rebecca, never glancing her way, but they were close enough for her to hear her whispers.

Gabe appeared to be on the verge of tears. He wrung his hands in his lap. Dylan, on the other hand, appeared solemn, but calm. He whispered to Gabe.

“It’s going to be OK. I’m sorry I shoved you.”

Gabe bit his lip. “I’m sorry, too. What do you think is going to happen to us?”

Dylan frowned. “I think we’ll get a lecture on how we should solve our differences with words, not fists. Then we’ll probably get suspended.”

Gabe’s eyebrows shot up. “What does that mean?”

“It means we won’t be allowed back at school for a day or two.”

Panic laced Gabe’s voice. “We’re going to get kicked out of school?”

Dylan laid a hand on Gabe’s arm. “Only for a little while.”

Gabe shook his head. “I’m going to get in trouble at home, too.”

Dylan nodded. “Yeah, me too. “I’ll probably be grounded for at least a week.”

Rebecca studied the two boys out of the corner of her eye and couldn’t help wondering at their differences in attitude. A moment later, Mr. Jackson’s door opened, and a tall, broad-shouldered man appeared. Rebecca’s eyes widened, grateful she was here for an interview, and not for disciplinary action.

“Gabe and Dylan, please come in.” Mr. Jackson deep voice boomed through the office. The boys hopped to their feet and entered his office, heads down.

 Rebecca turned back to Linda’s desk. “That was interesting.”

Linda glanced at Rebecca over her reading glasses. “What was?”

“The two boys. Both of them are facing the discipline of the principal and their parents, but their attitudes were completely different.”

Linda blinked. “Oh. I hadn’t noticed. What do you mean?”

“Gabe was terrified about getting in trouble, but Dylan was calm about the whole situation.”

Linda removed her reading glasses. “Well, that makes sense. Dylan is Principal Jackson’s son.”

Rebecca’s stomach dropped. Did Mr. Jackson play favorites? That was a problem for a principal. Sure, if she got this job, she’d spend most of her time with her students, but the attitude of the principal set the tone for the building. She stood and approached Linda’s desk. “Does that mean Mr. Jackson won’t punish him?”

Linda laughed. “Not at all. Mr. Jackson is strict, but fair. All the kids respect his authority. Dylan will be punished for his actions, probably more severely than Gabe, since Mr. Jackson expects more of him.”

“Then why wasn’t Dylan worried?”

Linda paused for a moment. “Because love makes all the difference.”


Hebrews 4:16

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


God, even when we feel unworthy or ashamed to come to You in prayer, You still want to hear from us. Thank You that we can approach You with confidence, knowing that even though we’ve made mistakes, You still love us and want what is best for us. We don’t need to be fearful to speak with You, no matter what sins we’ve committed. You show mercy and grace to us, even though we may have to face consequences.  We’ve been given access to Your throne through Jesus’s sacrifice. We’re so grateful we don’t need to fear coming to You, that even as You discipline us, it is through Your great love for us. Thank You for being such a good Father. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

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