Dawn entered the room for the first session of the Fall women’s Bible study. Surprisingly, Christine was already there. “Looks like someone else is as early as I am.”

Christine glanced her way and smiled. “Yes. My husband Jerry had a meeting which started earlier, so we drove here together.” She grinned. “Of course that means he’ll be sitting around waiting for us to finish, but it made little sense for us both to drive here.”

“Gotcha. I came straight from work, so I was hoping to have a little something to eat first.” She placed her takeout bag on the table. “Will it bother you if I eat here?”

Christine waved a hand. “Of course not. But I might steal a French fry.”

Dawn laughed and took the seat next to Christine. “Help yourself. I’m looking forward to this Bible study. I’m glad we’ll have time to get to know each other better. The last time we spoke, you were talking about your son, hoping he would get a job.”

Christine nodded. “You have a good memory. Yes, he graduated from college in the spring, and started at a local company in June. I’m so glad he got a job, but we’re praying for him spiritually. He didn’t attend church in college, and now that he’s graduated, he’s still not interested in going. Jerry and I try to talk to him about it, but he won’t listen to us. I’ve been praying for God to surround him with people who love the Lord and will be good witnesses to him. He’s in a scientific field, and I’m afraid he thinks because Jerry and I never went to college, we simply have a blind faith and don’t know any better.”

Dawn frowned. “That’s so sad. I work in science, and I certainly love God. There’s a young man at my job that I’ve been having some great conversations with. He’s been open to hearing about my faith even though he’s not sure what he believes. I’m sorry your son won’t listen to you.” She took a sip from her bottle of water. “Actually, I have the same problem with my mom. I became a Christian later in life, and have been trying to talk to her about God, but she won’t listen to me. I think she’s insulted that I claim to have become a Christian as an adult. She seems to think we were always Christians. She’s in a senior living facility now, and I’ve just about given up on trying to talk to her about God. I’ve been praying some of the other residents or the staff would talk to her. She’s not getting any younger, and I don’t know how much time she has left. I have to believe God will reach her before she passes away.”

Christine’s eyes lit up. “That’s such an encouragement to me. I work in a senior living facility, and I pray that exact thing for all the residents. I ask God to help me minister to them, and show them His love. There’s this one woman, Barbara, who pretends to be grouchy when I come into her room, but I can tell she likes me. Lately she’s been asking me questions about my faith, and I really believe I’m reaching her.”

Dawn blinked. “Wait. What senior facility do you work at?”

“Sunset Meadows on Crescent Lane. Why?”

“My mother’s name is Barbara. Barbara Thomas.”

Christine’s hand flew to her mouth. “You’re kidding me. That’s the resident I’m talking about! Oh, God is so good.” Her eyes widened. “What’s the name of the young man you’ve been talking to at your job?”

“Brady. Brady Carlson.” Dawn’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh my goodness. Your last name is Carlson. Is Brady your son?”

Christine grabbed Dawn’s hand. “It is. So he’s listening to you?”

Dawn swallowed against the lump in her throat. “He is. He’s had a lot of good questions. He’s not there yet, but I’m sure he’s seeking God. And my mom? What is she saying to you?”

Christine dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “She asked me what you need to do to be sure you’ll get to heaven.”

They fell into each other’s arms and freely wept, overwhelmed by God’s goodness. A moment later, Wendy, the Bible study leader, entered the room.

“Oh, my. What’s wrong, ladies?”

Dawn and Christine drew back and wiped their eyes. Christine recovered first. “All this time, I’ve been praying for someone to reach my son. It turns out that someone is Dawn.”

Dawn squeezed Christine’s hand. “And I’ve been praying for someone to reach my mom. And here she is, sitting right next to me.”


Matthew 9:37-38

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


God, as we pray for You to surround those we love with people who love You, help us remember we just may be the person someone else is praying for. Help us be witnesses of Your love. Help us be Your hands and feet to those around us, because we may be the instruments You use to touch their hearts. Let us be the workers who go into the fields of the world and share the good news. Thank You for giving us opportunities to share Your love with others, and thank You for those who care enough to share Your love with the people we care about. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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