His Ways

  Jacob scrolled through the job listings yet again. Nothing new stood out. He’d sent dozens of applications, but no replies. He ran his hands through his hair. He’d been out of work for nearly two months. Anastasia was supportive, but it was clear the stress was...

The Beauty of Imperfection

            Patrick pushed the mower across the grass, executed a turn, and repeated the process. Over and over he crossed the lawn with precision. When he reached the far corner of the yard, he wheeled the mower back to the shed and gazed out. Twenty-seven perfect...

Welcome Jean Pike

I’m pleased to welcome Jean Pike to the blog this week. Changing seasons. Unexpected blessings. Love that lasts forever. These are a few of M. Jean Pike’s favorite things. With a writing career that has spanned two decades, Jean combines an insatiable...

God’s Plans

             Kelly popped her earbuds into her ears and queued up a Christian podcast. Determined to improve both her spiritual and physical health, she set off at a brisk walk around her neighborhood. For the first mile, she pressed on at a rapid pace, trying to...

The Ultimate Coach

            Jim saved his sermon notes and closed his laptop. He’d better hurry if he wanted to get to practice on time. Someday, his little church would have enough of a membership to sustain him as a full-time pastor, but for now, he needed the income from his...