Raising a Family

Anastasia finished piping the last bit of frosting on the 72nd cupcake. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and breathed a sigh of relief before loading them into boxes. Standing in the center of the kitchen, surrounded by the bowls of congealing...

More than a Fish Story

             Martin sat against the park bench, his face in his hands. The thump thump of the basketball told him his youth leader wasn’t too far away. Sure enough, a minute later, the seat moved as Josh settled onto the bench next to him. Josh placed his hand on...

Never Stop Growing

Layla pulled out of the driveway, excited to be driving on her own for the first time. She wasn’t allowed to go far, but fortunately, Grandma and Grandpa’s house was only ten minutes away. With Mom and Dad away for the evening, her grandparents had invited her over...


 The jet-black sky glittered with diamonds. Veronica leaned out over the deck railing, taking it all in. The last few weeks had been a blur. Since joining the crew of the Fantasy, she hadn’t had a moment to herself. Now she finally had a night off. Grateful for the...

Seeing Isn’t Believing

              Josh and Brian settled into their seats in the cafeteria. Brian bowed his head for a moment before lifting his hamburger to his mouth.             “What was that?” Josh asked.             “Just thanking God for my food. He’s taken such good care of...