Ella meandered down the street, taking in the sights. Vacation or not, it was Sunday morning, and she needed to find herself a church. Since the accident which had left her face scarred, she needed God more than ever.
Within a few blocks she came to a beautiful cathedral, its steeple towering in the air. The building was clearly old, but immaculate. The stained glass windows looked as if they’d just been polished. She pulled open the heavy wooden doors and entered.
An elderly woman with a pinched face hurried to meet her.
“May I help you?”
Ella smiled at the woman the best she could considering the scar running from her temple to her chin. “Why yes, I would like to worship here this morning.”
The woman peered down her nose at Ella. “We take our worship very seriously here. I’m afraid you’re not dressed appropriately.”
Ella glanced down at her outfit. A plain white T shirt, flowing skirt, and flip flops. The shirt was loose, and the skirt was long. Nothing immodest. “I don’t understand,” Ella said, her gaze sweeping over the woman’s fastidious appearance. She wore blue suit with a crisp white dress shirt that looked like it could stand by itself.
“Of course everyone is welcome here,” the woman said, “but you might not feel comfortable considering your casual attire.”
Darn right I won’t feel comfortable, Ella muttered to herself. Not if everyone here is judgmental.
“I think I’ll try a different church,” she said aloud, turned on her heel and pushed open the heavy doors once more.
Back on the street, Ella blinked back tears. How humiliating! All she wanted to do was worship God. She continued farther down the street. The skyscrapers gave way to shorter buildings. The streets were littered with trash. The acrid stench of urine assaulted her nostrils. Just as she was about to turn back, a sign caught her eye.
Christ died for you. You are welcome here.
Intrigued, she approached the dilapidated building. There was nothing impressive about it from the outside. In fact, it was downright shabby. Still, in spite of her experience at the other church, something drove her forward.
As soon as she crossed the threshold, musical laughter reached her ears. The building was filled with people of all ages, races, and levels of dress. A young man greeted her. “Welcome, welcome in the precious name of Jesus. We are blessed you’ve decided to join us today. Please, come in. Can I get you a cup of coffee? Or perhaps ice water?”
Ella blinked, a bit taken aback by the graciousness of the young man. “No, thank you. I simply wanted to attend worship.”
“But of course. Services start in about 10 minutes. You’re welcome to make your way into the big room to your left. Grab a seat anywhere. So glad you’re here.”
An hour later, Ella was back on the street again, headed toward her hotel, her heart full from her time at church. There was no organ, no choir robes, no keyboards or electric guitars. Just a few people strumming acoustic guitars and the sweetest praise she’d ever heard. The people were loving and caring, and the message spoke to her heart.
She passed by the beautiful cathedral on her way back, and was struck by the contrast. Such a shame that beautiful building housed such a judgmental attitude. As she continued on her way, she passed a department store with a large display window that showed her reflection. About to look away like she normally did these days, she stopped and took in her reflection, scar and all. It didn’t bother her as much as it usually did. Perhaps learning how much beauty could be found in the dilapidated church building taught her as much as the sermon itself.
1st Samuel 16: 7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Lord, please help us not to judge others by their appearance. Neither a person’s skin color, hair color, age, gender, choice in clothing nor physical attractiveness has anything to do with their worth in your eyes. Please help us to remember we are all your precious children and treat others as You would treat them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
You write the most thought provoking and beautiful stories with a lot of a meaningful lesson to be learned. It is not the outward appearance but the inner beauty that counts. May God continue to bless you with more inspirational words.
Aww, thank you so much. I’m so glad my stories mean something to you. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
Love your stories. Always a lesson to learn. Keep IT up
Thanks! I plan to!
Thank you for this inspiring story this week. I always look forward to reading them. This is such a good reminder to us that it is always what comes from the inside that counts including our hearts. May it also remind us to not judge others.
I send a congratulations to you for celebrating your wedding anniversary. What a great idea to have a wedding capsule and remember all that occurred in your life together. I am so blessed to have read your 4 amazing books and look forward to reading the ones to come. May God bless you and your family. I pray that you have God’s strength and presence with you in your life. Have a wonderful week and enjoy the summer weather.
Thank you for your kind words. You are a blessing to me!