Harry concentrated on the board, his brow furrowed. After a few minutes of silence, he lifted his wrinkled hand and slid his queen three spaces to the right. “Checkmate.”
“What? No way.” Tyler studied the board and sighed in resignation. “Every time, Grandpa. One of these days I’m going to beat you.”
Harry grinned. “There’s wisdom in age. I’ve been playing chess since before your mom was born. It will take decades for you to learn all my tricks.” He rose unsteadily from his chair, leaning on his cane for support. “Let’s go see what your mom is making for lunch.”
Tyler followed Harry across the porch. “Well, I may not have the chess experience, but I’m in no rush to be old. I wouldn’t want to have to walk with a cane. Does your leg hurt much?”
Harry stopped, his hand on the screen door, then turned back toward Tyler. He gestured toward the porch swing. “Let’s talk for a minute.”
Tyler turned and followed Harry to the swing. “What’s up, Grandpa?”
Harry pointed to his cane. “You see this?” He pointed to a marking on the top of the cane.
“Prov. 3:5-6. What’s that?”
“A Bible verse. I want you to look it up later and think about what I’m about to tell you.”
Tyler pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture of the reference while Harry settled against the swing. “When I was a young man, I was in the army. I had to be the strongest, the fastest, and the best at everything. I got up before dawn, did 100 pushups and sit ups every morning, even before the rigors of the day. I carried that attitude with me throughout most of my adult life. I’d work out every morning before work, and go for a run in the evenings.” His lips curved into a smile. “I’ll have to show you a picture of me as a younger man. I was in peak physical condition. I also thought very highly of myself. I worked hard and felt I earned everything I’d gotten. It’s a wonder your grandmother ever put up with me.There was a price to my attitude, however. I was arrogant and selfish. I had no need for God, because I believed I deserved my blessings.”
Tyler’s forehead crinkled. “But you’re always talking about God now. What changed?”
Harry reached over and patted Tyler’s hand. “I was hoping you’d ask. I fell from a two-story roof. Broke my leg in three places, fractured my spine, and broke two ribs, one of which punctured my lung. Almost died that day. But God decided He still had plans for me on earth.”
Tyler’s eyes widened. “I never heard that story.”
“Well, it wasn’t a particularly pleasant time. Lots of pain and lots of physical therapy. The doctors weren’t sure I’d be able to walk again. I had to depend on lots of people. It was hard on your grandma. She had two young ones to deal with as well as me. I spent a lot of time in a hospital bed, not able to move. God and I did a lot of talking. At first I was angry, but He eventually broke through. I realized I couldn’t go through life depending only on myself. Yes sir, He taught me a lot during that time. My lung got patched up and my spine healed, but my leg was never the same. I’m grateful for that, believe it or not. It serves as a daily reminder to me to lean on God’s help.”
Tyler’s mom opened the screen door. “Are you two about ready for lunch?”
Harry patted Tyler’s leg and slid off the porch swing. “Yes ma’am. These old bones need some nourishment.”
“I’ll be there in a minute, Mom,” Tyler said. He opened the picture he’d taken of Harry’s cane.
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
God, thank You for Your patience with us. Thank You for taking the trials in our lives and using them for good. Help us to think of our limitations as a reason to more fully depend on You. Please help us always to remember to trust in You and not to lean on ourselves. Thank You for directing our paths. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Great inspiration. Thanks.
Glad you liked it. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂
I enjoyed this story and Proverbs 3:5-6 is my favorite proverb. It is true to fully trust in the Lord and lean on him as he knows exactly the right path for us all.
I am excited for your new book releasing soon. It sounds so interesting and I need a new book to read. You are such a wonderful inspiring writer. I enjoy reading all that you write and so thankful for you. I hope you have a blessed week. Happy Fall and enjoy the beautiful season that God created to share with us.
Thanks for your encouragement, as always. I appreciate your faithfulness in reading my stories!