As the brightly colored kayak glided through the water, Dana relished the relative quiet of the lake. Birdsong surrounded her and the occasional croak of a frog rang out, but most of the other kayakers were on the other side of the lake. The boys were throwing a football in a grassy field down by the boat launch, and the other adults were chatting and cooking lunch. She’d need to get back soon and help, but she wanted one more trip around the lake before she returned.
She paddled toward the sea of lily pads growing along the left side of the lake. Green discs appeared merged together until she got closer and could see the individual lily pads. Interspersed between them were pale pink flowers, so perfect they didn’t look real. She drew closer, expecting the lily pads to float away as her kayak made waves, but they stayed fixed in place. On closer inspection, under the water, all the lily pads had roots that extended down to the bottom of the lake. A maze of roots connected the lily pads together under the surface of the water. Dana lingered a few moments, then paddled toward the far shore. After pulling her boat up on the beach, she joined the others gathered around the picnic area.
“Smells good over here.”
Her husband Rick grinned. “Nothing like the great outdoors to season the food.”
Picnic tables overflowed with dishes. Dana walked over to her cooler to grab the pasta salad she’d made. Each household contributed one or two dishes for the picnic. It was an impressive spread. Soon, the entire clan, all at the park for the annual family reunion, gathered at the tables.
Grandpa cleared his throat and they all quieted, ready to hear his blessing. “God, thank You for this family. Thanks for keeping me around another year to share this time with them. And thanks especially for all this amazing food!” The rest of the family laughed and piled food on their plates.
Later, on the drive home, Dana asked her family if they’d had a good time.
“Football with all the cousins was good,” Jeremy said.
“I had fun kayaking,” said Lila.
“I had fun eating,” said Rick. “It’s always amazing to me what my family is able to accomplish when they work together. My sister can’t bake to save her life, but she grills up a mean hamburger.”
Dana grinned. “And I love your mom’s pies.”
“Yes, all together we make a fine meal. It was a good day.”
As the drive drew on and the sky darkened, the kids drifted off to sleep in the back seat. Dana reflected on the day. So many families argued and hated spending time together. Even though they sometimes disagreed, this family was unified in love. The family was kind of like those lily pads. All the individual families lived in separate locations, seemingly separated, but under the surface they were all connected. All rooted to the One who gave them life, purpose, and meaning. And together, they made something beautiful.
John 15: 5-8
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
God, thank You for family. Thank you for Christian fellowship. No matter our disagreements on the surface, if we abide in You, we can live in harmony and accomplish great things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I grew up in a Christian home with loving parents and four siblings. It is hard getting older and losing my parents, grandparents, and all aunts and uncles except for one paternal aunt who is dying with brain cancer. Even though I and my siblings aren’t able to physically travel to visit in person, we still keep in touch with emails and phone calls. We still have the roots holding those of us remaining together. Thanks for the story.
I’m sorry you’ve lost so many loved ones, but glad to hear you grew up in such a loving family. While it’s hard when loved ones are far away, we’re blessed to live in a time when it’s so easy to get in touch. A video call was science fiction when I was a child, but now it’s an everyday occurrence across the globe!
Your story reminds me of my family. No matter the distance between rather it’s miles or disagreements the family always shows togetherness by love.
So glad to hear it! My family is now spread across the country as well, but we always enjoy the time we spend together.