Abby flopped on the sofa and let out a breath. Quiet. The relatives were all gone, the dishes were done, and the wrapping paper avalanche was relegated to the recycling bin. Best of all, the kids were down for a nap, Anthony was at work, and for once, the house was still. She glanced at her Bible sitting on the end table. When had she last opened it? Certainly not yesterday, not with the whirlwind of opening presents, cooking, and entertaining.

     Come to think of it, the last month had been no easier. Sure, coordinating the children’s Christmas pageant was fun, but phone calls, rehearsals, and sewing costumes sucked up every minute of free time that wasn’t spent shopping for the perfect gifts, writing cards, or baking goodies. Had the sofa always felt this good?

     Abby brushed a thin layer of dust off her Bible, along with a little guilt. It was time. She’d neglected time alone with God for far too long, and her spirit felt His absence. If not for the scarlet ribbon marking the page, she wouldn’t even remember where she last left off. She turned to the marked page in 1 Kings and read of the mighty prophet Elijah, how he stood up to a wicked king and all those who followed false gods. She read how powerfully God used him, and how he ran away when threatened. After God ministered to him, God showed him His mighty power, but then…

     Abby gasped. She read the paragraph again.


1 Kings 19: 11-12

 And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lordbut the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

     God didn’t speak to Elijah in a dramatic and over-the-top proclamation, in the wind, in the earthquake or the fire. Wasn’t that was Abby was waiting for? God wasn’t in the craziness of her past month. That was all done in her own efforts. Sure, it was all good things – tending to her family, ministering to the church, but without God in it, it was empty. It was now, now when she took a moment alone to open her heart to her Lord, this was how He could speak to her. Abby prayed, listened, and prayed some more. She soaked up the time in his presence and allowed her heart to be filled with his still small voice.

     Until… a not-so-still small voice sounded over the baby monitor. Quiet time was over, but the lesson was not. With a peace in her heart and a skip in her step, she ascended the stairs with a new determination to put her Savior first.

Lord God, Christmas celebrations are a wonderful thing, but how many of us feel let down after the celebration is over? You are with us every day, not as a baby in a manger, but as a conquering King, ready to stand with us and strengthen us for what You have for us to accomplish. Some days, the most important thing for us to accomplish is to spend quiet time alone with You. Thank you for not giving up on us, even when we take awhile to learn our lesson. May we continue to seek Your presence in these days after Christmas and beyond. In Jesus’ name, Amen.