Mindy took a seat in front of the matronly woman’s desk and wiped her palms on her scrubs. “Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, Rita.”
“I’m pleased to welcome you to County Children’s Hospital,” Rita said. “Are you excited for your first day as a pediatric nurse?”
Mindy bit her lip. Should she be honest? “I’m actually a little worried. My clinical rotations were all with adults. I’m happy to be here, but I’m afraid it will be too sad. I hope I’m up to the task.”
Rita studied her, a crease forming between her eyebrows. “Why do you think it will be sad?”
“It will be hard to see the children dealing with illness. It’s one thing for an older person to deal with cancer, but to see a child battle some of these serious diseases is so disheartening. I’m afraid all the joy will get sucked out of me.”
Ritu shook her head. “I think you have it all wrong. These children will bring joy to your life. Yes, they have a lot to deal with, but they still know how to be kids. Come. I’ll introduce you to the other nurses, and a little later on today, I’ll take you to my favorite place in the hospital.”
Rita rose from her seat, and Mindy followed her lead. They made their way out to the floor and Rita introduced her to her new coworkers before returning to her office.
The day flew by. The other nurses, dressed in scrubs covered with colorful characters, were friendly and welcoming. With each visit to a patient’s room, Mindy braced herself to face the harsh reality of a fallen world wreaking havoc on a little one’s body, but Rita’s words proved to be true. These kids truly were full of joy. What was their secret?
As the day wore to a close, Mindy’s feet were tired, but her heart was full. She rolled her neck and headed toward the nurses’ station when Rita intercepted her. “How was your first day?”
Mindy couldn’t help grinning. “You were right. These kids are amazing.”
Rita beamed at her. “I thought you might agree. Have you been to the fourth floor yet?”
Mindy shook her head. “No, I only saw patients here on the second floor. What’s on the fourth floor?”
Rita didn’t answer, but waved for Mindy to follow her. She pressed the button for the elevator. A round-faced woman exited carrying a bunch of multi-colored balloons. Her face was drawn and tired, but she gave Mindy and Rita a polite nod. “Birthdays are hard in here,” Rita said, “but we do the best we can.” They entered the elevator, and less than a minute later, exited onto the fourth floor, where Rita led Mindy down the hall to the left.
“This is my favorite place in the entire hospital,” Rita said.
Mindy stopped and stared. The corridor opened up into a large room brimming with natural light. A painted rainbow stretched across the far wall, and beanbag chairs and low bookcases lined the side walls. What was most curious, though, were the colorful squares lining the far wall. Mindy moved closer to get a better look. As she did so, the writing on the squares became visible. “What’s all this?” Mindy asked.
“Go ahead and read them,” Rita said.
Mindy began reading aloud. “Mommy’s hugs. My fuzzy robe. Chocolate ice cream. Puppies.” She whirled around and faced Rita, the question in her eyes.
“Whenever things get tough and the kids start to feel down, they come here and write all the things that make them happy. Things they’re grateful for. It always makes them feel better. It works for me, too. I like to end my days here, reflecting on all the blessings in life.”
Mindy swallowed against the lump in her throat and turned back to the notes. “My cat Charlie. My baby brother. Daisies.” With each sign, her heart grew lighter until she reached the last one in the row. “Smiley nurses.”
At that, she couldn’t help the tears which spilled down her cheeks. Rita squeezed her shoulder. “I know. It gets me every time, too.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
God, thank you for the little things in life. Help us remember to give thanks, for when we focus on our blessings, the challenges become so much easier. And please help us to be the kind of people others are thankful for. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This is such a beautiful story, and the prayer at the end is a blessing in itself. Thanks for sharing and making my day brighter.
Thank you. I’m glad it touched you.
Very inspiring short story
Thank you!
Beautiful story
Thank you!
I don’t know how anyone could read this without tears. My daughter is a nurse and my son a child psychologist, this is their reality. Thank you for this amazing story and reminder that they are where they are suppose to be.
You must be a very proud mama! God puts special people into those professions.
Thank you for this wonderful story. I am so glad to hear your next book will be available soon. It sounds like another interesting story in which I am grateful for all the ones I have read by you.
I hope and pray that you have a blessed week filled with God’s beautiful Spring season all around you. God bless you and your family.
Thank you so much! May God bless you as well.