I’m pleased to welcome Kristi Neace to the blog!   

Kristi Neace holds an MDiv and BA of Biblical Studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City.

Kristi has 18 plus years of experience writing faith-based books, blogs, articles, and devotions for both women’s ministry and law enforcement spouses. By day she is a real estate professional, but her true passion is teaching God’s Word. Kristi hosts a weekly Bible study throughout the year for both in-person and zoom participants. She and her husband/family reside in the greater St. Louis area of Missouri.

You can find Kristi online at

Email: kneace@yahoo.com
Instagram: Kristi_Neace
TikTok: @kristi.neace

Kristi’s latest release is Pathlight to Praise, a book with 150 devotions based on the book of Psalms. The first one is below. I hope you are blessed by it!

Psalm 1:1-2

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1 is a comparison/contrast of the ways of the wicked and the righteous. These words remind the reader that those who follow God must display qualities of righteousness that will set them apart from all the rest.

 I remember in high school all the different classes of students. First, there were the Brainiacs. They were the Valedictorians, the math club wizzes, and those who received all the scholarships. Then came the popular people who drove fancy cars, dated cheerleaders or football players, and seemingly had all the clothes, money, and notoriety. The corner kids were those individuals hanging together across the street who typically were the smokers, the leather wearing, cowboy boot stomping, class skipping individuals who never seemed to fit it. And, finally, there were the ordinaries. People like me who followed the rules, didn’t cause a ruckus, completed all assignments, well, most, and blended in when possible. We were all members of the same school, but each of us had adapted to certain categories of people.

In Psalm 1, the author is contrasting the lives of sinners‛ with the lives of the “righteous.” He points to the fact that each of us has a choice in life. We can choose either to run with those of the world or stay rooted in God. Though following the world may be the easier choice, this passage reminds us that individuals who delight in the Lord and in His law (the entirety of His revelation) receive the blessings of God.

The writer elaborates on these blessings in verse 3 where he writes, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

The tree has a root base which goes deep within the ground to drink up the nourishment from the stream. A believer who plants deep roots in God through faith, prayer and Bible study, is nourished by His never-ending, eternal stream of living water. Therefore, if one stays in step with the Trinity, then he or she will not only be productive, spiritually healthy, and bear spiritual fruit, but he or she will be a blessing to others by providing shade, shelter, and sustenance in the form of encouragement, strength, and spiritual nourishment.

Today, may we examine our lives and see where we fit in. Are we more like those who tend to follow the world, or do we walk with those who are rooted in God’s truth? Let’s choose to be like the tree!


Christians often speak of giving God praise for this or that, but for a person new to the faith or even a seasoned believer longing for encouragement during personal struggles, praise can seem like an overwhelming even unattainable task.

Yet, in the very last verse of Psalms we read, “…everything that has breath praise the LORD (Ps. 150:6).” Why? Because He is worthy!

Within the pages of this book, you will find 150 days’ worth of devotions filled with God’s unending love and care for His children. Though the various psalmists experienced fears, temptations, and strong emotions such as anger and betrayal, God proved that there is always something to be thankful for. He is forever worthy of our praise!



To the PBG store: https://go.pbgrp.link/Pathlight-KN                                                                                                                                                                           
And now, here’s my review of Pathlight to Praise.

If you’re looking for a devotional guide to the Psalms, this is it. The author takes a key verse from each of the 150 Psalms, gives a little background of the Psalm, and follows it with a short devotional related to the Psalm. Each devotional is followed by thought-provoking questions. It’s a nice way to guide your quiet time!


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